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Google gives trusted brands a higher position in search results:

The algorithm update in Google recommends that the site has a higher domain authority should rank higher in the search results. In simple words, trusted brands get a higher position in Google search results. For example, if you run a query of the term “iPhone” on the internet you will get links from Apple in the top positions.

The reason is that these sites are more trusted. This new policy of Google helps the audience to reach more reliable platforms but there is also a drawback of this amendment. This update stops the beginner sites from ranking higher even if they have high quality content on their pages. Google must give content more preference on domain authority. This is the reason that you mostly find search results from trusted brands when you run a query on Google.

Linking quality matters a lot for ranking higher:

Inbound and outbound links are considered important ranking factors. If you are linking to sites of higher domain authority, then this also increases your trustworthiness and resultantly your domain authority will also increase. Domain authority is a score between 0 and 100. Hundred has got the highest domain authority and brands have got that level of domain authority. These are mostly preferred when allocating positions in Google search results. Even links to the other web pages of your site also count a lot and the number of links is counted.

Decide the anchor text wisely:

The text that is hyperlinked and leads to some other webpage is often called anchor text. It is sometimes shaded different or underlined in order to differentiate it from the regular text. The choice of anchor text is really important and the right choice helps you to rank higher. It is recommended that you hire Affordable SEO services [More info which is the term in thai] of the top professionals. These professionals will help you to get everything right in place and you need not to worry about the details.